ML5-8-400/30/115,*P+F电容式传感器 光斑直径 35 cm at 150 m 分辨率 0.1 mm , adjustable 功能安全性参数 平均失效时间(天) 120 a
NBB5-18GM50-E2-V1,销售德国P+F倾角传感器 response time on request) 关断延时 approx. 15 ms (shorter response time on request) 脉冲扩展 min. 120 ms programmable
进口P+F圆柱形传感器,NCB15-30GM50-Z5 换能器频率 approx. 255 kHz 指示灯/操作键 marking not required for products rated 36 V 输入阻抗: 4,7 kΩ TEACH-IN脉冲: ≥ 1
倍加福磁式传感器,P+F传感器型号 控制器 sensitivity adjustment (Adjustment to 25% of the effective operating range) 电气特性 工作电压 26.5 ... 31.6 V via AS-Interface network , min. 18.5 V 信号输出:4-20 mA 模拟量
倍加福p+f传感器报价快,RL28-55-B3B/73c 指示灯/操作键 功能显示 LED yellow: 1. LED lit constantly: signal 2 x switching point (function reserve) 2. LED flashes: signal between 1 x switching point and 2 x switching po